Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Silence? No thank you.

Mini Review #5
Silent Films

I prefer real, feature length movies with sound, 3D effect, and plot line. Not black and white, no sounds, and no un-real aspects. Sure, I like a good down-to-earth movie, maybe about romance in the modern day, but not people standing around a train station for 10 minutes. The things we watched in that class or 2 were probably the most boring things I've ever seen, and I've seen Revolutionary Road.
I refuse to believe that someone back then actually thought that the train looked like it was about to come out of the screen.
Also, Charlie Chaplin looks ridiculous. The tiny mustache and weird eyes and just too much along with his top hat. I'm thinking that he wasn't a very fashion forward kind of guy.
And even when we watched a film that was a bit longer and had more of a plot line than just feeding a baby, it still wasn't enough. I believe it was supposed to be funny, but it really wasn't.
I'm VERY glad that this part of the unit didn't last very long.


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